Year 8 History
Source 13

Disembarkation of the Spanish at Veracruz (Colonial Domination)- National Palace, Mexico City 1951
. Painted by Diego Rivera
Source: Palacio Nacional, Mexico City.
Mural: "Disembarkation of the Spanish at Veracruz"
Comments: One important art critic of Diego Rivera who does not like either the æsthetic rendering or the content of these murals is Peter Hamill. He says this about these murals: "Rivera claimed that he was putting the epic history of all of Mexico on these walls. But with the exception of isolated sections, he functions more as a skilled, empty illustrator than as an artist. [...] The historical figures are too often merely represented, not illuminated. [...] There is plenty of violence, much oppression, and almost no insight. This is painting that demands the services of a tour guide." (Hamill, Diego Rivera. New York: Abrams, 1999, p. 152.)
The angle of viewing here is as Rivera knew that the murals would be viewed: looking up at them.
Kettenmann, A. (2000). Rivera. Madrid: Taschen.