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Photographic Essay (from Collective Lens)

Creating a photo essay is a combination of art and journalism. As with a written essay, the elements of a photo essay should be structured in a way that easily conveys a story to the viewer. Each individual photo contributes to the overall story, theme, and emotions of the essay. The photos you choose must not only be compositionally and artistically strong, but also informative and educational. Finding photos that have both qualities can be very challenging, but the result can be very powerful.

There are two types of photo essays: the narrative and the thematic. The narrative essay tells a story through a sequence of events or actions. They may follow an individual or activity over a period of time and present this story in chronological order. A thematic photo essay focuses on a central theme (e.g. homelessness, the environment, etc.) and presents photos relevant to that theme.
Regardless of what type of photo essay you choose to present, the following elements should be considered during its creation:

  • The story: Your essay should be able to stand alone and make logical sense to the viewer.

  • A range of photos: A variety of photos (wide angle, detailed, portraits etc.) should be included.

  • The order of the photos: It is important that the order of your photos effectively tell a story, in an interesting and logical sequence.

  • Information and emotion: Your photos should include both informational and emotional photos. Those essays that effectively evoke emotion while providing information tend to convey their messages the best. 

Task Outline

Task Steps:

  • Decide and plan a sequence of 6 to 9 images which express "What I like and Why I like it!" or "Why I am Who I am!" or "My favourite thing"This may cover such areas as:

    • Your Family

    • Favourite activity - reading, surfing, dancing etc

    • Favourite place  

    • You as a person 


  • Capture your images considering elements of Composition, Depth of Field and point of view

  • Construct an Artist Statement (300 words) (An artists written description of their work. In supportof work to give the viewer understanding. It is therefore informative, descriptive or reflective in nature





  • Carry out basic adjustments in photoshop 

  • Resize images to 2000 pixels on the longest side

  • Save as Jpeg at resolution of 150 dpi

  • Submit final images by 10 am Thursday 30th of October 2014 on a USB for uploading to student gallery.




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